About Substra Foundation
Substra Foundation is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering the development of trustworthy data science ecosystems. It promotes, protects and advances the open source project Substra that enables by-design secure, traceable, distributed machine learning orchestration. Substra Foundation aims to:
Gather feedback on Substra usage
Synthese improvement wishes and proposing a common development roadmap
Host the Substra Github repository
Animate reflections on new collaboration practices
Propose ideas to foster responsible data science
Substra Framework’s current main contributor is Owkin, a fast-growing health data AI startup, a core partner to Substra Foundation, which dedicates a full tech team to the development of the software first version.
Our main lines of action
We are a (small) team of passionate, committed individuals, which aims to bring together a larger community of contributors and interested parties to participate in the global effort. We focus on the following lines of action:
Industrial R&D
We participate in research consortiums (see pages HealthChain and Melloddy) dedicated to new data science collaborations on sensitive data.
Open source software
Substra Framework
We promote, protect and advance the open source Substra project. Substra is a framework for secure, traceable, distributed ML orchestration. It is based on Hyperledger Fabric, a leading DLT framework housed by The Linux Foundation. Substra first version was developed by Owkin and published under Apache 2.0 license to become a collaborative open source effort.
Contribute to the community effort
We are excited to participate in the efforts of the global trustworthy AI community. Our topics of interest: datasets contributivity to a model, certifying model validation workflows, rating ‘responsible data science’ practices.
Substra Foundation is a French ‘association loi 1901’. It was incorporated in Loire-Atlantique on May 11th, 2018, and received the identifiers RNA W442019641 and SIREN 839793171.
more information
To get more information we invite you to:
Register to our newsletter via the form in the footer of the page
Browse our Github repositories
Contact us directly at hello@substra.org (see the Contact page for other means of contact)
Read the past issues of our newsletter:
(Jan. 2020) Substraletter #4 (in French)
(Aug. 2019) Substraletter #3 (in French)
(May 2019) Substraletter #2 (in French)
(Dec. 2018) Substraletter #1 (in French)
Open positions
Here is the list of currently open positions at Substra Foundation:
Strategic studies / project manager - 6-months internship - Paris: see our job offer
Student of Professional Communications - 6-months internship - Paris: see our job offer
We are always happy to receive applications at jobs@substra.org!